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Investigation of the distribution of students arriving at our school

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches

14 Pages Essays / Projects Year Uploaded: 2023

The investigation focuses on the distribution of students arriving at a school and analyzes their arrival times. The researcher noticed a consistent delay in the start of the first class and sought to understand whether this was a school-wide trend or specific to certain classes. They collected arrival time data, initially creating a histogram that didn't reveal specific patterns. However, upon closer analysis, they discovered outliers, notably a group arriving about 6-7 minutes apart, potentially due to shared public transport. This led to a plan to conduct observations in settings where students don't share the same mode of transport, aiming to reduce external factors' impact on arrival times. Three observations were made, with varying results due to factors like weather affecting transport choices. The analysis attempts to isolate students arriving for the first class by estimating their numbers through peak times. The researcher then attempted to create a normal distribution curve based on arrival times and conducted statistical evaluations to check for normal distribution characteristics within the dataset. Limitations were identified, including the impact of strict class timings on arrival patterns. Suggestions for future improvements involve observing schools with different transportation dynamics or places where tardiness isn't penalized, like a theatre. The impact of weather on transportation choices was also highlighted as an area for consideration in future investigations. The appendices contain detailed arrival time records, tram schedules, and calculations used in the analysis.

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